Dear Sheriff Mike Scott,
Since it seems that you are unavailable to sit down and have a meeting with us or unavailable to call us because of you being at the FBI academy for 10weeks. Though this throws us off a little because you were available for a news interview to offer defense for the officer who shot my dog. How does that work? The last time I checked it was people like me and my husband who care about our county who got you elected, yet you don't have the time for them until something like this happens and then instead of dealing with it yourself you send word by the news. This is such a let down to me because I use to look at you with respect and admiration. Now I like many other citizens am tired of hearing the lies and the excuses that just fly out of your mouth. Come on Sheriff, take a look at the whole situation and see how long we have had issues with our neighbors, how many times we have spoken with narcotics, how many times we have needed area checks to make us feel safe in our own home. Then just out of the blue the same people we have issues with calls LCSO instead of animal control for a dog out of a fence, knowing that the dog was not violent and knowing that it belonged to us. You guys come running, and end up shooting the dog IN THE SIDE, TWICE because he CLAIMS that the dog was aggressively advancing towards him. You know that is some BS as well as I do and as well as many other citizens in Lee County. If any animal is approaching you, it would have been a straight shot for the face, neck, or head not the total opposite side of the dog. Plus here is more FACTS for you, the crappy report that has been plastered all over the and has conflicting stories between the officer and the witness as well as 3rd person account from the second officer. It may be your job to stand up for your officers, but think about this, isnt the officer who shot our dog the same officer who discharged his weapon in the justice center and was reprimanded and made to take remedial weapons safety? Here is a link to the story in case you need to refresh your memory
I am sorry if you think that I am being hateful or disrespectful to you because of the position that you hold, but I hold a position that I value and respect more: I am a mother, a wife, a citizen, and a pet owner. All of those positions are the reason that I will not give up on this whole Justice for Coco campaign that started on craigslist and that has spread so quickly. I will continue to get my voice heard until there are answers that make sense instead of half truths that are designed to help you and your officers avoid scrutiny. Here is the last post that I put on craigslist. I am sure that some people may have already pointed it out to you as many of the other posts were brought to light, but I want you to really read it and see just where we are coming from.
It is also sad when it takes the County Commissioners Office sending you an email about our situation in order for you to direct someone to look in our direction for the situation that we have been dealing with for almost a year. We truly feel that this action was possibly used as a distraction to get our focus off of holding LCSO accountable for the incident that occurred on January 22nd with our dog and the deputy.
Here is the posting:
Please go to and become a follower of our blog and raise your voice to show your support for the fight that we are in. our beloved dog was shot on 1/22/2010 and we are doing everything in our power to get our voice heard. Please become a follower for our cause and help us make a big scream so things will change around here.
Many of you may have seen the Fox 4 news clip this evening, it is a shame that you did not get to see the other 95% that seems to have been censored out. The time that it took to interview me, take pictures of my home, outside my house, and whatever else they did took alittle over an hour. The interview was suppose to get our voice out there in order for us to voice our concerns. The biggest concern was if our dog was attacking or trying to attack the responding officer why was he shot in the side? Why do the online reports tell conflicting stories? Why is the officer not available for comment? Why was Mike Scott not available to speak with us or sit down for a meeting with us because he was suppose to be in the academy for 10wks but he suddenly shows up when a story is going to air? There are so many holes in this I am sure that we are never going to get to the bottom of it, but I promised you before that we were not going to give up and we will keep posting these ads, we will continue getting our voice heard on our blog, and we will continue having people stand behind us because they too are sick and tired of hearing about trigger happy officers who shoot because their target practice needs refreshing!
What is the policy for officers, and if there is one in affect why do they not follow any of it? Why is it that when a dog is shot no matter the breed they always justify it by saying it was attacking them or it was aggressive? Why does the story always get turned around to make them look like they actually Protect and Serve when in reality it seems that they just do as they please and get away with it? What is the case, since they are the law they are above the law? It is such a shame that this is what our law enforcement has come to, it is a shame that us as the people can no longer depend on them to do the job that we thought they were hired to do. Is there just so much crime out there that these officers are like stone that nothing seems to bother then anymore?
I am sorry, I understand stress,I am a mother of 3, I have had hard knocks, we live day to day, we struggle just like anyone else, but I will never let the stress of life get in the way of how I handle another life(in this case the life of our dog)! I also would think that when officers like this one get so stressed out because of his personal issues going on in his life that maybe he should ask for some time off instead of going out on the job and putting not only my dog in jeopardy but the lives of people he is suppose to protect. I suppose this will just be classified as one of those times that he accidentally discharged his weapon, but this time he wont get a slap on the wrist or be sent to do remedial weapons training, he will get a pat on the back and be sent on his merry way! Where is the justice in that, sorry there is none! According to articles that we have read when a weapon is fired on the job there should be an administrative investigation, but in this case we are told that they will not investigate the shooting, only the way he spoke to us! Why is that, maybe because they might just find out that the officer could have chosen a different path to follow instead of firing his weapon? Or see that the report has conflicting stories between the witness and the officer?
This case is going to split wide open before we are done with it. We have been in the New Press paper as well as online. We were in the Naples News, Marco News, and on many online topic chats and forums. This is no longer on a local level and we are going to continue to push it to the farthest point we can take it. For those of you who have already voiced your support to us, please continue. We appreciate it more than words can say! Coco deserves justice and one way or another he will get it!!!
Maybe if you took more time to really listen to the citizens of Lee County you would see that we are not happy. There is so much that needs to be changed, but no one is willing to stand up and fight for it. Well, I may not be a person that is in leadership or in authority, but I am a person that is determined to be the kind of individual that never gives up in something she believes in. I teach my children that PRINCIPLE is the biggest and most important thing, and this is what I will hold on to. I just wish there were more people out there in law enforcement that remember that PRINCIPLE, LOYALTY, PROTECTION, and SERVICE is all part of the job they signed on for. It's not about how many notches that have on their belt or how many ego boosts they receive, its about that oath they took to do everything in their power to make Lee County a better place.
I am related to many police officers, and I hope that they never get that attitude that since they are the law that they are above it and if they start to feel that way that they put away the badge and go back to the basics.
Here is a quote that I stumbled on when I was reading about you on the Lee County Sheriffs website. It made me almost stumble out of my chair when I read this. I really had to laugh at the reality of it being such an oxymoron. Here is what I am referring to:
Sheriff Mike Scott is prepared for the challenges ahead and is always quick to promote the agency and its members’ performance. “I am the coach in the dugout, and I fully realize the importance of the players on the field…if they don’t make the plays, we lose.” “Fortunately, I have a team loaded with all-stars.”
If this was truly the case, then why is your team losing so badly? Why has your rating as a sheriff hit an all-time low?
In searching on google I have found some interesting things here are just a few:
Lee County, Fl. Sheriff "Mike Scott" needs to be removed
Tue, 10/07/2008 - 11:19 — Anonymous (not verified)
Here he is in full disgusting bigoted flagrantia: His name is Mike Scott, Lee County Sheriff and he needs to be charged with "inciting violence" at the McCain/Palin rally yesterday. He needs to be charged with this crime immediately and removed from his position.
The Fort Myers Coalition for Justice, Inc. announced it will no longer support Sheriff Mike Scott during the November election. Instead, it's putting its support behind another candidate for sheriff... Independent, Christian Meister. The group tells us, had the Sheriff not worn his uniform, opinions would be different.
Sheriff Scott tells WINK News he is "unequivocally certain there was no wrong doing at any level." He says the Sheriff's Office as a department falls under the Hatch Act, the office of the Sheriff...does not.
In a November 2009 press conference about the agency's unionization vote, Scott abruptly stopped to exclude Rachel Revehl, investigative reporter with The Fort Myers News-Press, who had exposed his relationship with convicted felon and former Cali Cartel member Dick Spence.(why exclude someone that was just telling the truth?)In August 2009 the Ft. Myers News-Press reported that Scott had a long standing friendship with Alva businessman Dick Spence, who was convicted and served prison time in the 1990's for money laundering and kidnaping. [15] The News-Press also pointed out that the Lee County Sheriff's department had a policy of firing or disciplining officers who associated with known felons.
Sheriff Mike Scott spent more time out of the office on non-business trips last year than any other elected constitutional officer in Lee County, an analysis by The News-Press shows.
Sheriff Mike Scott told state law enforcement one story; his e-mails tell another.
Smooth talk proves enough to bail out Lee County sheriff
"Nobody is going to lie to me or my kids," Scott said. So with this statement, then why is it ok for you and your officers to lie to me and my kids? What 15 departments do I need to file complaints with?
Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott is well aware of the DV calls to IA on his deputies, however, he makes the victim a defendant to protect his department. This whole thing sickened me, especially your response to this woman.
- On Tue, 7/8/08, Mike Scott .. wrote:
From: Mike Scott ..
Subject: Re: Questions
Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 10:13 AM
Frankly ma' rant and rave too much for me. While I regret that you have not found the answers and results you are apparently looking for, our agency has investigated all claims and rendered fair and impartial decisions.
I read your inflammatory message over the weekend and see no need to engage in a volley of e-mail; therefore, consider this my final communication with you.
Mike -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(I am appalled that you would speak to someone who was dealing with legitimate issues, and just because you didn't want to hear them you dismissed them with no real thought! It is sad to know that the people that help get you into office are the ones that you are stepping on to get to the top!!)
I am sure with all of these articles you are able to see the point that I am making. I am sure that I can keep reading on google and I will continue to see and read more articles that are unsatisfactory views of you while in office, but I do not want to stray to far from the point and issue at hand. I am asking you, to sit down, read all of the facts in our incident and see it from another side of view not just the view of protector of your officer and your department. With or without your help we are going to continue our fight, have you ever heard the saying, "its ok to admit fault"? I do believe this is one of those times that this saying should come to light.
I have been told by many people that if this letter was sent to you that I will become a target for you and your department, I do hope that is not the case and I do hope that it is just people being concerned for me and my family. I do not want issues for myself or any of my family members, I am only utilizing and exercising my 1st amendment right to freedom of speech. I would hope that you as a an officer of the law remember it is your duty to PROTECT me not to harass me and make my life more difficult than it often is. If I find that I become a target in any way actions will be taken to insure it is stopped immediately. My true goal is to get my issues and my concerns resolved and not pushed under the rug. If you feel that I am being persistent then I take that as a compliment, that means I am on the right path to completing something that I started. Please remember that I respect your badge, but I do disagree with the way things are being handled in each of the issues that we are currently dealing with.
Amy Sica on behalf of my whole family
***ALL REFERENCES WERE FOUND WHILE SEARCHING ON GOOGLE.*** For some reason the links are not enabled on here so please if you want to see what I am talking about just copy and paste them into your browser.****
I find your tone disrespectful and out of line; hence my abbreviated reply. I regret the situation and sympathize with your loss; however, it is your responsibility to ensure that your pet is tethered or contained on your property so spare me the blame game and consider this my final correspondence with you on this matter.
Isn't this just wonderful? How nice of a sheriff to take an email that took so much time to write and just give me such a short response. This is a man that I no longer have any respect for. He could have put some thought into my letter before he responded, but just like his officer he acts first that thinks later. Just the kind of man we need in leadership!
Many of you are aware of the situation that we are dealing with in the loss of our dog Coco. We are trying our hardest to get our voice heard in every possible way we can. We are looking for support both in understanding what we are going through in our loss and also in helping us make a big scream so that we will be heard. If you have any suggestions please let us know.
Coco: Family member, companion, and amazing friend! He will be forever missed but not forgotten!

February 07- January 2010
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So you just delete comments you don't like? Wow.
ReplyDelete***I would also like to say that comments that are offensive and just outright slandering of us as owners are subject to removal. Please keep in mind that this is a site set up for followers and supporters and is set up in remembrance for our beloved dog. Our children go on this site to view his pictures, his slide-show, as well as the mission statement I put together. They have been through enough, I will not allow them to see how cruel some people can be in our time of loss. There is overwhelming support for us, and I do not feel like a few bad apples should spoil the whole batch. If you have something that you would like to voice, and you feel it may be deleted from this blog then please contact us through our personal email
You bash the police, then expect them to help!!!!!!! Ever heard the song, I fought the law? Unbelievable
ReplyDeleteThe letter wasn't bashing, but even if it was they have every reason. The asked for help many times and never got it. Then they continue to ask for answers and don't get them. What would you suggest? The law needs to be bashed in this situation because they all cover for each other and no one wants to step up to the plate and admit fault. In my opinion in doing that the fault is plainly in the cops lap. Maybe if the sheriff would have actually sat and read the things the owners were trying to say and actually look at it from another point of view instead of just seeing it as black and white then this family could be moving on, but instead they have to continue to fight for the things they believe in and continue to stand up for principles. It is a sad thing when the officials that we elect to govern over us and protect us are the ones we actually need protection from. Society needs a major change and that change needs to start with the people in government/leadership/law enforcement. I am sure these peoples blog and petitions are not going to change all of those things but I am sure that if they continue on the path that they are on, the will be a big part and a mighty voice in that much needed change. No matter how you feel about this situation with this dog and family if you really look inside your soul you will see that this is an act of animal cruelty by the officer and he needs to be held responsible. Last time I checked animal cruelty was illegal and punishable! This whole situation bugs me because of the actions taken. It also saddens me to look at the slideshows and pictures of this dear animal and to be shown how much it was a family member and not just a dog. I have seen some comments that the owners are at fault because the fence and whatever else some people want to say, but just for a second lets say that the fence wasnt secure, SO WHAT, animals get out all the time and they arent shot. The owner gets them in and fixes the problem. This dog gets out, neighbors(the problematic ones) call cops, dog gets shot. Anyone harmed, anyone bitten...NO, but in the same breath YES..the dog and this family! Before you get on this blog that I am sure took a lot of thought and energy and Im sure a few tears maybe you should put yourself in their shoes and see if this was your dog and your family that you were standing for what would you want!!! GOD BLESS COCO AND THIS FAMILY. I have signed your petition, and I will continue to follow your blog and follow you on the social networks that you have posted on. I love that you are on that should help you in many ways!!!