Coco: Family member, companion, and amazing friend! He will be forever missed but not forgotten!

Coco: Family member, companion, and amazing friend! He will be forever missed but not forgotten!
February 07- January 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our situation

Many of you have been following the posts that we have put on craigslist but we wanted a better place for people to be able to go and place comments, view updates, and to show your support. We are going to do whatever we can to get our voice heard in whatever way we can. With knowing that there are many other animal lovers out there that feel our pain and also agree that something has to be done about these trigger happy officers it is making our mission even stronger. I am going to post some of the posts that we have publish and you can get a little background history of what we are dealing with. There is alot to read, but we feel that people deserve to know exactly what we have been going through in dealing with all of this. It is physically and emotionally draining. We are hoping that if we can get enough support then maybe someone high up will finally get the hint that if the sheriffs office would have done their jobs in the first place, protected and helped us, then not only would we still have our dog we would not be dealing with neighbors that really shouldn't even be out and about on the street.
We have started this blog because we need a voice louder than ours because it seems that ours is constantly drown out. It seems that every avenue we take we are shot down before anything is taken care of. We have been dealing with issues with our neighbors since last Easter and the issues are getting larger and larger. We have several occasions where we have had to call the Sheriffs office to report threats of violence on ourselves and our animals. We have been unable to get help. We tried to file a restraining order against them and it was denied. The neighbor files one against us based on false accusations and was granted the restraining order. How is this justice? We tried to file a motion to get a rehearing and the judge denied our request. We are getting shot down on everything we try to do. I have contacted the neighbors property manager/real estate agent and every conversation/email that I had with her she released to her tenants. This caused more issues. We have seen and heard the neighbors deal drugs and have been in contact with the narcotics unit but nothing has been done. The neighbors cover their tracks well and have made it look like the person that deals does not live in the home. We own our home and can not get up and just move away.I know this is all a lot to take in but please read over it and let me know if there is someway you can help us get to the bottom of something.  All of these issues that we have been having lead to the events listed below.
Friday January 22nd, while my husband and myself were out our dog was shot by a Lee County Sheriffs Officer. We have had many issues with our neighbors throwing rocks at our dogs and trying to harass them through the fence. We have had so many problems with the neighbors and have called the police on them multiple times because of them threatening our home, our lives, and our animals. We have not gotten any help from the police and the neighbors were even granted a restraining order against us. This evening they again harassed my dog and he broke out of the fence, 4 officers came on my property and continued to make the dog feel threatened and eventually shot him not once but twice. the officer said he fired once but our dog had two shots in him and other neighbors heard two shots. we have spent the last hours trying to keep it together in order to be able to bury our dog. he was a great dog and a member of our family. he will be greatly missed. the officer who shot our dog was rude, cocky, and unapologetic in the whole situation. He even commented, "do you want a puppy?" We are looking for justice not just for our animal but for ourselves. We need help getting this issue taken care of. If we cant get the judge or the sheriffs office to help us then where can we turn? These neighbors have been known to deal drugs, have a criminal record, and yet the law seems to be on their side. How is this the justice that men and women risk their lives for every day? Please if there is something or some way you can help us get our voice heard we would greatly appreciate it.
We have edited some of the stuff out that we had previously posted because we do not want to be in violation of the restraining order by any means. We just want justice for Coco, and we are fighting for principle. If you have questions we can answer them out of the blog through email or whatnot but we will just focus on the issues that directly center around the night that Coco was killed. 

At this time our biggest fight is how and why our dog was killed. We can not for the life us see how at the time of night/early morning that Coco was shot what threat he would have been to anyone. We live in an area where we see stray dogs all the time, Coco had a collar on, rabies tag, and he is micro-chipped. Yes, if Animal Control would have came we would have probably been fined for him getting out, but we would still have our dog. In knowing that we have lost Coco we still have it hanging over our head that the neighbors are still there and the threat remains for the other animals that we have and for ourselves. Our big question and concern is what will happen next? All we have ever wanted was help. Help from the police, the justice system, and from a landlord. We didn't get it from any of them and now we grieve the loss of our dog and we still have to find someone willing to help us. I really truly hope that everyone who looks at this page and who reads our concerns will feel our pain, will support us, and will help us in a way that others did not! We are truly grateful for all the emails and overwhelming support that we have received and we do hope that it continues in Coco's honor!


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  1. To everyone seeing this blog: PLEASE let everyone you know that is a pet lover to support this. We as a group of people can make a statement and possible make a difference. Thank you.....

  2. If someone even tried to shoot my dogs I would want to kill them whether they work for the police or not. We live in an area that, luckily, loves dogs. My neighbors do not even care that my dogs barks when she sees them. If someone ever threw a rock at my dogs I would have more than words for them. Dogs can become nearly like children to their owners as the owners become a lot like parents to the dogs. This is a sacred friendship and for some careless police officer just to shoot the dog, not once, but twice, is horrible.

  3. I don't want to sound like an asshole. You knew you had a problem keeping your dogs in . You have said that your dogs escaped on a previous occasion. It is your responsiability to keep your dogs safe. You failed.

    I know it sucks to have neighbors like the ones you have and I can't stress how good fences make better neighbors. We as owners of pit bull dogs have to do things better than other owners. Our dogs are descriminated against in the media, in shelters and on the street.It is yup to us as responciable owners of pit bull dogs to take every precaution that our dogs live in a safe enviroment.

    The cop that shot your dog is an asshole and should be censored for his cowardly actions but he probably won't. I'm very sorry for your loss.

  4. Damn I need to learn to spell.

  5. I am very sad and angry about your loss. If the PIG who shot Coco had one tenth the decency that dogs have, Coco would still be alive. Here is a copy of an email I sent to the LCSO Internal Affairs Office:

    "Dear Sir/Madam:

    I was appalled to read about an incident in Lehigh where officers chased down, cornered, and killed an innocent and loving dog. With no evidence that the dog was a threat to anyone and Animal Control not being called in beforehand, this is a totally unnecessary and despicable act. The officers involved need to be fired and prosecuted. If human beings had half the decency, loyalty, and love that dogs have, there wouldn't even be a need for the police. I have had many dogs, most of which were rescued. Every one has turned out to be loving, gentle, and loyal, despite many having been badly abused. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of people. Just as my dogs would defend me with their lives, I would defend them with mine, so remember that if you ever pull a gun on a dog again.

    And please, when you do an investigation, make it a legitimate one. I have known many cops in my life and know how the "game" is played. Cops lying for other cops is not only standard procedure, it is actually taught at the Police Academy."

  6. Thank you so much for your support on that previous post we actually went and spoke with internal affairs this morning, and were told they would investigate the way we were treated but not the shooting. They said that with the BREED they are allowed to shoot. Then when he was asked about the 2 shots he gave us some garbage about how it take so much time for your brain to react and get the response to the hand that it may have been 2 shots even though he thinks he fired one. so we felt as if we hit a dead end.

  7. In our searching for support here is one finding: Does PETA support BSL? A resounding “YES!” PETA has been a long-time supporter of BSL. PETA representatives have sat in on court cases, touting themselves as "experts" in support of pit bull bans and restrictions on pit bull ownership. PETA also writes letters in support of BSL to legislators all over the country.

    If you email PETA directly and ask about their take on pit bulls, they will give you the same canned answer. They will tell you that pit bulls are the most abused dog on the planet, and it’s in their best interest that we let the breed die out, to end their suffering. They will never come right out and say they support killing all pit bulls. They will dance around the question with pre-written answers that they give everyone. They’ll tell you they believe in banning the breeding of pit bulls. But that’s not all they support, they support full out pit bull bans. They’ll try to sugarcoat their reasons for supporting BSL to throw you off.

    Eliminating pit bulls from this planet is not going to end the suffering. Dogfighters are not just going to throw up their hands and say, "Oh darn, there are no more pit bulls in this world, guess I can’t be a dogfighter anymore". They will find another breed to use in the fighting ring. Same with animal abusers, taking pit bulls out of existence is not going to end the existence of animal abusers. It's a shame that such hate for a dog breed is out there. My experience with pit bulls is that they are very loyal, extremely intelligent and very playful. Only an owner of one of these dogs can cause the bad reputation. We need to support this breed along with Coco's justice.

    January 25, 2010 10:16 AM

  8. I understand that your loss in very hard for you and am sorry about that. However, as being a victim of a dog bite before, I have a hard time with this post. If there were problems with your dog getting out, then further prevention should have been taken on your part. With every dog, you do not know when they will feel threatened and attack. Unfortunately, animal control wasn't called and the police were. I know that you, as the owner, can't imagine your dog acting aggressively towards someone, but you were not there. The dog could have been being aggressive. The risk of the dog attacking someone could have been greater. If you know your dog can get out while you are gone, put it inside, chain it, do something. This is what can happen when prevention isn't taken. I know I sound harsh, but being an attack victim, it is your job to prevent this.

  9. I am responding to the last post. I am sorry that you are a bite victim, and for how you feel about our posts. Please know that we did take precautions and were in the process of placing a concrete ledge around the fence. In the area that the dog got out that night, all the bricks were physically removed, our dog could not have done that on his own. As far as putting them in the house, chaining them up, or other precautions we have explored other avenues. Now, please see this side of it, why is it right for a neighbor to constantly harass a dog or dogs and get away with it. Why did we have to feel like prisoners who only left home if it was something that we had to do? Why could our dogs not just live a good life, in a yard that has all the amenities for them(chain link fence, dog house, plenty of room to run, and a small swimming pool)? Though I do feel for you and see some of the points that you are making the officer said on more than one time that it was the "breed" that scared him not the dog itself. In hearing that it makes it even harder to bear. You are right, we can not imagine him harming anyone, and we were not here to witness it all but we do know the facts pointing around the shooting, the officers behavior, and the way our dog was shot.Please do not think for a second that we didn't try to prevent this, if LCSO would have helped us long ago on each occasion that we had them out here we would probably still have our dog. Thank you for visiting our blog.

  10. I am sorry about your dog. I have a pit bull whom I love with all of my heart. I have had him for 13 years. He played with, and loved, my nephews when they were young (the oldest is 19 now). He was there when I married my husband 10 years ago. He was there when I brought both of my children home from the hospital and has treated them with gentleness and love everyday of their lives. I have hugged him, and cried on him, and talked to him about things I wanted no one to hear. HE HAS BEEN MY BEST FRIEND!
    Yet, regardless of how sweet, kind, and lovable my buddy is he has always suffered. Why? because he has lived with reputation of being a vicious animal. I have had people run from him, reject him, parents who will not allow their children to play at my house because of him. I have taken him on walks and had people tell me that he should be shot or kept at home on a chain. I even had a woman snatch her hand away from petting him when I told her he was a pit bull (apparently she thought he was a boxer).
    Anyways, it is sad that the officer saw it necessary to shoot your dog. There is no doubt in my mind that if your dog was any other breed she would still be alive. I wish there was a magical answer to reversing society's view of pits. Certainly getting the media to stop bashing them and making broad generalizations would help. Until then it is important that as owners of these wonderful dogs we remember that they are not accepted and that we need to protect them from those who would wish them harm.
    My dog was diagnosed with cancer 9 months ago. The vet tells me that it is a miracle that he is still alive and doing well. I will miss my dog when he does pass, he has been a good friend. However, I am lucky that I have had so much time to prepare myself. I can not imagine the pain you must feel. I wish you the best, and I am certainly willing to support your efforts in any way I can.

  11. So sorry for your loss. I'm a Golden Retriever and Cocker Spanial owner. I am terribly fearful of a Pit, but so what? Shooting someones pet w/o extreme cause is horrific. It was the Police respnsibility to not jump to conclusions w/o all the facts.
    I know what it is like to live next door to a wacko,...unfortunitly, it is unfair that they would win at their evil games...the people the wacko targets doesn't think like them...normal people don't spend time conjuring up terror attacks,.....unfortunitly you behaved like I did ...defensively trying to avoid conflict with the wacko,...appeasing the wacko is not the way to handle them, only feeds their evil intent,...If I were you, I would attack them legally full force, non-stop for what they caused, dare they!!!!
    In addition,....I'm so tired of pets not being protected from cruelty imposed by anyone, are made to feel as if your the wacko when you aren't.....fight for your Coco,...don't let this pull you down,...fighting for Coco may help save another family this sort of anquish....shed light on the wacko,...expose them for the freaks they are,....don't let up, deserve redemption!!!! Legal revenge!

  12. In regards to the person who left the last post, I am trying to dry the tears from my eyes. Thank you so much for our heartfelt support, we appreciate it beyond words. As far as your dog, I do hope that he lives much longer and does not experience to much pain. Please know that when he passes he will remember all the good times that you had together and he will be waiting for you on the other side. Again thank you for your and please continue to check on us. Have a terrific day.

  13. From Maddie:Coco's picture is so cute,...again, so sorry for your pain,...(i'm the post with the Golden and Cocker),....just hope something positive will result from such tragedy,....try to believe there's a reason for the hard knocks you're having,...we are experiencing the same sort of life knocks, can't catch a breath,'s a link for you to explore,...worth a try...peace!

  14. Maddie, thank you for the link. It is something I will take time to read. It looks like it will add some light at the end of the tunnel

  15. First let me just say that I am disgusted that your precious Coco was killed in cold blood. Unfortunately this breed does come with the stimga of being a dangerous one. Having said that, I own a Pit Bull and a Rottweiller, both are rescues and amazing, sweet, funny and LOYAL family members. I believe that had you been home, your dog would not have felt the need to protect the residence so deeply. However, I just wish he would have taken a bite of the schmuck next door :) I will keep you and your family in my Prayers, I know that you will find peace. The Police Officers should have be trained to with "Bully Breed" sensitivity and maybe this wouldn't have happend. Please keep up the fight; know that you have supporters out here; Coco will be waiting to receive you into God's Kingdom; Karma is a BITCH!!! Rock On Coco!!!

  16. there are more breeds of dogs in the US alone that actually have more of a bite "record", but due to the extreamly strong jaw muscles of the pit bulls they cause more damage in their bites so are considered "dangerous". i have owned many pit bulls including unnutered male pits and they have been nothing but the best dogs.i get so much discrimination from people when i bring my two pit bulls places but they love babies,kittens,ferrets(i have 2 they play every day),and elderly people. all around they are wonderful dogs if raised right. thats truly horrifying to hear what happened to your dog. im so sorry for your loss. just wanted to stop by and show support for the most misunderstood,mistreated breed of dog. maybe one day people wont punish the breed for cruel peoples selfishness.

  17. I have several dogs. Two are pit mixed. One other a mutt that was to be euphenized. I now have another pit mix that was dumped. Very beautiful dog (pup). I just had all my fence redone. It wasn't cheap! I live on acreage. Guess what, they found a way to get out. It's called digging! Luckily for me and the dogs I live in a rural neighborhood, what neighbors I do have know and like my dogs. I have goats, cats, horses and the dogs sleep with them. Very gentle souls. People need to educate their selves about the human condition, it's not the dogs! Officers should be trained to watch out for the owners, neighbors etc. I don't think there is a dog I met that becomes aggressive towards me. Animals can sense things better than people! I'm real sorry about your dog and for your kids to see what an ugly world we live in. Hope you get justice.

  18. The last person said it was the owners, not the dogs. I agree and disagree with that. is the owners. However,my next door neighbor's dog started to bite at 6 months of age. I mean bite, not nip. Then it bit 4 more people. Nothing was done about the dog. I was the last person it bit. It mangled my chest and leg. I had a 6in hole in circumference on my leg that went all the way down to the bone. THe dog gave no warning, nothing. We went to see our friend that lived there. Rang the doorbell, no answer, turned around to leave, door leaped out of garage and bit. I was 8. Six months later the dog was put to sleep, finally. I wouldn't even get out of my car if the garage door was up at my house b/c of the dog still being there. The dog was aggressive from the beginning. It was a pit bull by the way. This is why people have this negative outlook on pits. I know there are loveable nice ones. I still can't trust them though.

  19. I meant to say the dog leaped out of the garage, not door. Oops. Also, this attack cost me 2 years of my life in the fact of surgeries, not being able to be an active kid, and being scared to death of any dog that came near me. I still cringe when I hear car keys jingle in the distance b/c it sounds like the dog chain.

  20. Okay, to above anon poster.. you stated that the dog had been biting since it was 6 months of age.. I'd call that a warning. No one heeded it. As to Coco's owners...
    YOU are the reason Coco died. YOU didn't tie him up. YOU didn't neuter him.
    YOU KNEW the neighbors hated him. YOU KNEW the breed has a stigma attached to it. The cop responded to an aggressive dog at large. They can't just stay in their car and wait an hour for AC. What if (in their minds) a little kid walks by and gets bit? So, he did his job.
    Just for hte record, I own 3 Pit Bulls. I neuter. I spay. And they don't escape. EVER.

  21. I am going to respond to the last post in the nicest way I can. Please, for your sake and for our readers do not make accusations or assumptions about how we cared for our dog. HE WAS NEUTERED! as for your scenario about a kid walking by at midnight, come on really? Children should be in bed asleep. As for the officer, he didn't do the job, and as far as staying in his car and waiting yes maybe an hour was to long, but he could have called us sooner, he had all avenues to do that, but instead he waiting to contact us till after he killed our dog. He followed a tip, by a person who already had an axe to grind with us, that tip led the officer to do what he did. Also just so you know our dog had NEVER bitten, been aggressive, or attacked anyone. Our children have had friends over, we have had parties, as well as had family over and never once has any negative come of it. Our dog was loved by everyone but the neighbor who by the way killed their own dog due to animal cruelty. It was tied up to a tire, left with no water, it died foaming at the mouth from exhaustion. We on many occasions gave them food and asked if they had given it enough water. We felt horrible when it died, so many just maybe you should be focusing on people that really treat their animals with cruelty instead of attacking us, who are devastated at the loss of our dog.

  22. Wow some of these people are clueless. Small dogs bite far more than big dogs but that is not newsworthy. In the 80s it was Dobermans that were dangerous, in the 90s it was Rottweilers. Now it is Pit Bulls. We have a Pit Bull, 2 cats and a 5 lb dog. Our Pit is by far the nicest and friendliest of the fout. I read an article in Naples Daily News about an officer who Tasered a loose Pit Bull and then put him in the back of his squad car until Animal Control could get there. Sounds like this officer who killed Coco is either a complete moron or just a plain AHOLE! There should be consequences for taking of ANYTHING's life. I would sue him personally and the Department. As for all the haters out there, think about losing something you love so unjustly before you open your stupid uneducated mouths...As for the owner of the 3 Pit Bulls who says it is the owner's fault Coco died YOU ARE THE BIGGEST MORON of them all. I hope you are spayed or neutured we wouldn't want your stupid gene passed on!

  23. I sent this link to Tia Maria Torres of Villalobos Pitbull Rescue in California. She is the star of the show Pitbulls and Parolees. Hopefully she will read and respond or make mention on her show of this horrible crime. Reaching out to every corner of the country may help to further this sympathies are with you.

  24. According to a study done by Merritt Clifton, 74% of dog related bites between 1982 and 2006 in the US and Canada that resulted in being maimed or killed or injuries requiring extensive medical treatment were done by pitbulls, rotts, Presa Canarios and their mixes.
    In the US, Pit Bulls make up 3% of the dog population, but cause more than 50% of the serious attacks.
    58% of human deaths by dog bite are caused by dogs unrestained on the owner's property.
    Most common victim is a child 15 and under making it them 70% of dog bite victims.
    I don't know what dog bites the most. But the fact remains that pits, rotts, and so forth do the most damage and death!

  25. Lee County Sheriff's Dept. at it's best. There was NO REASON TO SHOOT THIS DOG, NONE. The pigs knew the history with the neighbors, So it's a 'no brainer' who let the dog out, and then called the cops! They could have given the owner time to get home, OR seen that NO ONE WAS IN DANGER, OR BEING ATTACKED AT THE RESIDENCE, BUT, NO! THEY GET OUT ON THE DOG'S PROPERTY, THAT HE IS PROTECTING, AND CORNER IT AND SHOOT IT! WAS THE DEPUTY BIT??? THE CRIMINAL NEIGHBOR BIT??? HELL NO! SO EXACTLY WHY WAS THE DOG SHOT AGAIN??? LETS SEE.......THERE IS NO LEGIT REASON. THE PIGS FELL INTO THE NEIGHBORS PLAN, AND KILLED AN INNOCENT DOG. The report of this retardid pig shooting his weapon off while in the restroom in July!?! What kind of nut case is this with a weapon???? Good God, and this is what our tax dollars pay for.....People we need to see that a story gets done for this dog, PLEASE everyone, call the LCSD, and DEMAND AN INTERNAL INVESTIGATION BE DONE! DID YOU SEE THE NEIGBORS RECORD??? AND THE PIGS COME RUNNING WHEN THE VERY CRIMINAL THAT IS TO BLAME FOR ALL OF THIS CALL THEM OUT??? UNREAL.....Nothing surprises me anymore. LCSD SUCKS. AND THIS PIG IS A DETECTIVE! GOD HELP LEE COUNTY! FINE EXAMPLE OF OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK. KILLING AN INNOCENT DOG PROTECTING IT'S PROPERTY. SOUNDS LIKE A LEGAL SUIT TO ME.

  26. Punish the DEED not the BREED!!! God Bless CoCo!

  27. How comes everytime I post it gets deleted?

  28. We would like to thank everyone who is coming on our blog and becoming a follower. It is people like you guys that are making our fight that much stronger.
    In response to the last anonymous posting, I am not sure what comments you are referring to, but I would also like to say that comments that are offensive and just outright slandering of us as owners are subject to removal. Please keep in mind that this is a site set up for followers and supporters and is set up in remembrance for our beloved dog. Our children go on this site to view his pictures, his slide-show, as well as the mission statement I put together. They have been through enough, I will not allow them to see how cruel some people can be in our time of loss. There is overwhelming support for us, and I do not feel like a few bad apples should spoil the whole batch. If you have something that you would like to voice, and you feel it may be deleted from this blog then please contact us through our personal email

  29. It is very unfortunate that pits have gotten a bad reputation as a result of what their owners have done. Naturally, they are loving and gentle in a good loving home, but too many people train them to fight or attack. You can train almost any dog to do that, just as you can train almost any dog to be sweet and gentle. We have always had German Shepherds and they too have gotten a bad rap as being aggressive. However, ours have always been the sweetest most loving dogs. Again, it is only because of the people who train them as guard and attack dogs that they get the bad reputation. It is time that the owners of dogs who mistreat or mistrain their dogs get the punishment rather than the dog who is only doing what they are taught to do. Unfortunately, those who abuse animals rarely get more than a mild slap on the wrist.

  30. I feel for your loss and hope you find justice and peace in the near future.

    ***In reading many posts on craigslist and in other forums I can not for the life of me understand why someone would be able with a conscious mind support LCSO. I have read the newspaper articles, seen the news clip, and read many many postings. I am appalled at the whole situation and wish there was something I could do to help this family in there time of loss. Coco looks like he was an amazing friend to the owners. I almost wish I could have been a fly on the wall when this whole incident was happening. I dont really care about the little details, what I care about is that this dog should not have been shot. This officer sounds way to trigger happy.
    I read a post earlier, it has been flagged now, on craigslist and the person kept throwing all the blame on the owners. Let me ask you did the owners pull the trigger? No they didnt, but the neighbors might as well have. And that officer fell right into the trap of believing the dog was a threat because of something the neighbor said. Come on, put the pieces together!
    It really stinks that these owners will not be able to mourn properly because the LCSO wont give them any proper answers. I have hunted on many ocassions and seeing the pictures of where the dog was shot and knowing what that kind of shell can do to an animal I do not believe the account of the officer. I feel like there is more to it, it is even possible to think that he may have used a different weapon. All of these things are logic things to think about.
    These owners have plenty of support behind them, and I am sure that it will continue to mount. I for one and going to keep following this. Its kind of like a puzzle, there are so many pieces missing and I am eager to help find out what those pieces are. I encourage you to join and follow their blog if you like me feel for their situation. It is important that those of us who are PIT BULL supportors stand together because whos to say that it couldnt be our dog next.
    Oh, I searched the owners names and I can not find any other media incident or as the craigslist poster said ATTENTION GETTER. If that was what this was, I dont think there would be so much support and so many questions left to answer. People who are not happy with the owners just need to move on and leave them alone, they are not hurting anyone. Last time I checked they were allowed to feel the way they want, speak as loudly as they can, and fight for what they believe in!!

  32. This is one of the hardest things that I have ever had to deal with. The hurt and pain is un-describable. I have dealt with other situations with family members passing on and sickness in the family, very hard to deal with also. But all of those issues were of natural causes. I'm not sure how to explain what I mean, but to me this is loss of a loved one by murder. It creates a different uneasy feeling. There times of hatred and times of anger, but I have to deal with them without loosing my cool. I want to say I am still hurting very badly over this and I probably will for a long time. I can say some positive things that I will never forget about Coco. I will always remember fighting over the blankets every night and how he would try to get back into bed even when we pushed him down, I will
    remember how Coco would eat from a fork at the diner table. I will remember how Coco would sit next to you and fart, then look at you funny like what is your problem. He used to sigh when you rubbed his head, along with many other expressions that he made. This was one of the smartest dogs that I have ever came across in my lifetime. These are just a few of the things that I will never forget about Coco. He had a special place in my heart and I will always love him. This is the reason that I will not give on Justice for Coco. It will be a long battle but I do not want to see anyone or anymore dogs have to suffer like this. Please pass the word to join this blog so we can be heard. Lets make a difference.


Slideshow of Coco

Please hear our voice

Spreading the word as far as we can!